We’re equipped to tackle most electrical issues or custom projects the working musician might encounter. From diagnosis to a warrantied repair, we will have you back up and running in no time.
An initial £25 bench charge covers diagnosis and the first half hour of work, moving to £40ph thereafter.
Bench Charge: £25
Initial fault diagnosis – minimum charge.
Bias Valve Amp: from £50
Correctly biased valves ensure both longevity and optimum tone from your amp. Generally necessary after the fitting of new power valves.
Replace Electrolytic Caps: £80 + Caps
The power supply capacitors which filter hum from your mains power have a limited lifespan and should be replaced periodically or when mains noise becomes apparent. Lifespans vary, but 15 years is a fair estimate.
Replace Potentiometer, Output Jack, Pup Selector: £25 + parts
Replacement with premium parts from brands such as Switchcraft and CTS. Most popular items are held in stock and can often be replaced while you wait.
Pickup Replacement: £40 + parts
Replace or upgrade pickups with like-for-like fitting, i.e., no additional routing or mounting changes required.
Popular Mods: POA
From treble-bleed to switching modifications and coil tap/split, we have the parts in stock to carry out many popular mods. Get in touch and see what we can do for you.
We have extensive experience of digital piano and keyboard repair and are the go-to repairer for Peterborough Music Hub and many local schools. Both mechanical and electrical repairs can be carried out quickly and within school budgets.
Leads and looms designed and manufactured to your specifications. Using premium parts from Neutrik and Van-Damme.